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Honours & Awards

Honours & Awards of Professor Irene Ng

  • (2023) Ranked 23 in Best Scientists in the field of Medicine in China; Ranked 3006 Best Scientists in the World

  • (2022) Ranked 8 in Best Female Scientists in China; Ranked 517 Best Female Scientists in the World

  • (2014) The World Academy of Science TWAS 2014 prize (Medical Science)

  • (2014 - present) Elected Fellow, American Association for the Study of Liver Disease (FAASLD)

  • (2012 - present) Expert, the ‘National Science and Technology Plan Expert Database Service System’, of Ministry of Science and Technology, China

  • (2010 - present) Director, State Key Laboratory for Liver Research (approved by Ministry of Science and Technology of China) (ranked ‘Outstanding’ by MOST in 2017/18 re-assessment exercise)

  • (2008 - present) Loke Yew Professorship in Pathology, HKU

  • (2021, 2019 and  2012) Faculty Outstanding Research Output Awards (as corresponding authors)

  • (2018 - 2019) Author, 5th edition of the World Health Organization (WHO) Classification of Tumors: Digestive System "WHO Blue Books” 

  • (2017 - 2018) Chair, Special Interest Group “Molecular classification and signaling pathways”, International Liver Cancer Association (ILCA)

  • (2017 - 2018) Member, Regional Advisory Committee on China, American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)

  • (2014) The World Academy of Science TWAS 2014 prize (Medical Science)

  • (2012 - 2017) Director, Croucher Summer Course in Cancer Biology, from Croucher Foundation

  • (2012 and 2004) Croucher Senior Medical Research Fellowship by Croucher Foundation Hong Kong; a prestigious award to distinguished scientists in Hong Kong 

  • (2009) Outstanding Research Student Supervisor Award 2007-2008, HKU

  • (2008 and 1998) Mrs. Gordon Wu Exchange Professorship, The University of Hong Kong

  • (2005) Outstanding Research Award 2004-2005, HKU

Awards of Staff and Student

ā€‹(Selected in recent years)

  • 2023 - Chan Tao Hann Prize for Research Postgraduate Students in Pathology (Lucy Lu TIAN)

  • 2023 - Travel Award, The Liver Week 2023 (Goofy Yu-Man Tsui)

  • 2022 - Hong Kong PhD Fellowship (Tiffany Yu)

  • 2022 - HKU Presidential PhD Scholarship (Tiffany Yu)

  • 2021 - Hong Kong PhD Fellowship (Anna Jingyi LU)

  • 2021 - HKU Presidential PhD Scholarship (Anna Jingyi LU)

  • 2021 - Foreign Investigator Award, KASL, KLCA, KAHBPS and KLTS (Lucy Lu TIAN)

  • 2018 - Best Presentation Award, Research Postgraduate Students Retreat, Department of Pathology, HKU (Abdullah HUSAIN) 

  • 2018 - Best Oral Presentation Winner, HK Scholars Annual Meeting (Luqing ZHAO)

  • 2018 - Young Investigator Award, The 9th Asia-Pacific Primary Liver Cancer Expert Meeting (Daniel Wai-Hung HO, Lo-Kong CHAN)

  • 2017 - The Butterfield-Croucher Studentship , Croucher Foundation (Bowie Yik-Ling CHENG)

  • 2016 - Li Ka Shing Prize for Best MPhil Thesis Award, Graduate School, HKU (Bowie Yik-Ling CHENG) 

  • 2016 - Tigris Educational Fund - Graduate Student Travel Scholarship, Tech Dragon Limited (Kin Fai MA)

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